30 Jan 2020

What is Tachyon (Tachyon Particle) | Tachyon Particles that Travel Faster than the Speed of Light !!!

A Tachyon is a hypothetical particle, that always travels faster than light. It is also known as Tachyonic Particle.
The possibility of particles moving faster than light was first proposed by Robert Ehrilch and Arnold Sommerfeld, independently of each other.
This term comes from greek word  'tachy', that means 'rapid'.
Two complementary particle types that are known to exist are called - Luxons and Bradyons.
Luxons are the particles that always move at the speed of light and Bradyons are the particles which always move slower than light.
Here we are talking about tachyons, also called as tachyonic particles, that always move faster than light.

What is Tachyon Video


Now let me tell you one very interesting thing about tachyons...
The mass of tachyons is imaginary!!!
If you didn't get it let me explain it to you.
The mass of any object at rest is different from its mass when it moves. But we do not observe this difference in mass at speeds much lesser than the speed of light.
But when the speed of the object is comparable to the speed of light then we cannot neglect this change in mass at this high speed.
As we are talking about tachyons, that always have speed higher than the speed of light, we have to consider this change, in mass.
So for such fast moving particles, the rest mass is different from the relativistic mass.
Here is the formula, that explains the relationship between the rest mass and the relativistic mass.

mr = m0/sqrt(1-v2/c2)

Here Mr is the relativistic mass
m0 is the rest mass which is invariant mass
v is velocity of the object and
c Is the speed of light.

Now let's Focus on the formula,
As we know that the speed of tachyonic particles is always greater than the speed of light.
i.e. here in this case
v greater than c, so v/c greater than 1
also then v2/c2 would be greater than 1

Now on subtracting a number, which is larger than 1, from 1, we will get a negative number.
And we know that the square root of a negative number is not real. it is an imaginary number.

From the formula, if we assume that the rest mass of tachyons is imaginary, then we will have imaginary numbers in the numerator and also in the denominator of this formula. so this imaginary part will cancel out and we will have a real relativistic mass.
So from this discussion, we can say, that the mass of tachyons will exist only when they will travel faster than light.

Unlike ordinary particles, the energy of a tachyon decreases as its speed increases.
Note that, this is just opposite to the ordinary particles where increase in speed results in increased energy.
As the ordinary particles, cannot travel faster than light, in the same way, tachyons are forbidden from slowing down to below the speed of light. Because infinite energy is required to reach the barrier from either above or below.
You will be surprised to know, that tachyons can be used to time travel!!! A tachyonic antitelephone is a hypothetical device in theoretical physics, that could be used to send signals into one's own past.

29 Jan 2020

Alcubierre Warp Drive | Alcubierre Drive | Warp Drive | Travel Faster than Light

There are various ways like teleportation, wormholes and warp drive, that can be used to travel at very high speed, even  faster than the speed of light. Here I will discuss the concept of warp drive. The idea of warp drive is highly fascinating which is based on distorting the fabric of space and time to achieve a speed many times more than that of the light.
According to scientists, it is possible to travel faster than light With the help of Alcubierre warp drive.

Alcubierre Warp Drive Video


The Alcubierre warp drive was proposed by Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre and is based on a solution of Einstein's field equations in general relativity.
But how is it possible and what are the requirements for warp drive? Since we know any object having mass, cannot travel faster than light as it will go against the laws of Physics. Since to achieve this speed infinite energy is required, which is practically not possible. Then how it is possible with warp drive to travel faster than the speed of light?
Actually in warp drive a spacecraft does not have to travel faster than light within a local reference frame. The spacecraft would traverse distances by contracting space in front of it and expanding the space behind it. This mechanism results in effective faster-than-light travel. In this way The Alcubierre warp drive shifts the space around an object.
So it's more like pulling the destination towards it while pushing its starting point back, instead of actually traveling faster than light.
This makes it possible for the object to reach to its destination faster than light would in normal space. Therefore no laws of Physics are broken.
But now the basic problem is, how to contract and expand the space time fabric that is required for the warp drive.
So let's discuss how this can be done.
According to great physicist Albert Einstein, any object having mass can create curvature in space time fabric. In other words, it can contract the space. Larger the mass, more it can contract the space. But we need extremely large amount of mass, equivalent to the mass of a black hole to contract the space so that it can be used in warp drive practically.
So we need to construct an engine, powerful enough to control a small black hole. This engine can be placed in the front part of the spacecraft so that the Space in front of the spacecraft can be contracted.
As I have discussed earlier that for warp drive we need to contract the space in front of the spacecraft and expand the space behind the spacecraft. Now we know that we can use very large mass to contract the space. But we do not know how to expand the space.
But it is not impossible. As We know, our universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. According to scientists, dark energy and dark matter are considered responsible for this expansion. So one possible method to expand the space is using dark energy or dark matter for warp drive.
There is one more technique that we can use for the expansion of space. As I just told you that a normal mass i.e. positive mass can be used to contract the space. It Means, if we could find a negative mass, then it will do just opposite to it. So a negative mass would cause expansion of the space. We can use this system in the back side of the spacecraft, that will help in expanding the space that is present behind the spacecraft and hence warp drive will become possible.
There is one interesting theory, known as dark fluid theory. The dark fluid theory combines the concept of dark matter, dark energy and negative mass. If we could find the dark fluid somehow, the warp drive would become a reality and traveling faster than light would not be impossible.
So friends, How many of you think that warp drive is possible in future?


What is the Storage Capacity of Human Brain
New Computer Chip Speed Up Scientific Discoveries by 1000 Times
What is Mind Uploading (Brain Uploading or Mind Transfer) and when it will be a Reality
How the Universe will End | Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Crunch & Big Bounce
Facts about Human Brain | Power of Human Brain and Brain Structure
Time is an illusion | Past Present and Future Exist at the Same Time | Block Universe
Life is Possible After Death According to Quantum Physics
Unsolved and Unanswered Questions and Mysteries in Science and Physics

Conservation of Angular Momentum | Conservation of Angular Momentum Experiment | Angular Momentum

Here you will understand the principle of Conservation of Angular Momentum. For explaining the conservation of angular momentum I have taken help of two experiments. According to the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum under ideal conditions, the angular momentum of a rotating object remains constant. 
Principle of Conservation of Angular Momentum is given as the product of moment of inertia (I) and the angular speed (w).

Angular momentum conservation formula -
Moment of Inertia (I) x Angular Speed (w) = Constant

Here is the first experiment to demonstrate the principle of conservation of angular momentum.
First climb on this Central circular platform and hold the handle. Now push the leg against the fixed outer platform to give yourself a spin.

Conservation of Angular Momentum Video


Now observe carefully that, when you lean towards the handle the spin speed increases and on leaning outwards the spin speed decreases. Now repeat the same experiment several times and observe how the speed of rotation changes.
Now before explaining the science behind it let me show you one more experiments based on principle of conservation of angular momentum.
First sit on the chair and push the weights away at your full arm lengths and hold them.
Now take help of your friend and ask him or her to give you a turn gently.
Now observe that your speed of rotation increases as you bring both the weights close to you while rotating. And when you push away the weights the rotation speed decreases.
So these are the two experiments that explain the principle of conservation of angular momentum.
Now we will understand the Science that explains it.
According to the principle of conservation of angular momentum, the angular momentum of a rotating object remains constant under ideal conditions.
Angular momentum is given as the product of moment of inertia (I) and the angular speed (w).

Its given by the formula-
Iw = Constant

Moment of inertia is the product of the mass and square of its perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation.
So when the distance of the body decreases from the axis of rotation, its moment of inertia decreases but according to the principle of conservation of angular momentum, the product of moment of inertia and the angular speed must be constant. So to compensate for this decrease in moment of inertia, the angular speed of the body increases.
Just opposite of this happens when we move away from the axis of rotation. In this case the moment of inertia increases as the distance of the body increases from the axis of rotation. So to keep the product of moment of inertia and angular speed constant, according to the conservation of angular momentum, the speed of rotation decreases.
This same thing happens in the second experiment as the weights i.e. mass is pushed away from the axis of rotation, its moment of inertia increases so the angular speed is decreased and you spin slower. And opposite of it happens when the weights are pulled towards your body I.e. closer to the axis of rotation.
So friends, I hope now you understand the concept of principle of angular momentum conservation.


What is the Storage Capacity of Human Brain
New Computer Chip Speed Up Scientific Discoveries by 1000 Times
What is Mind Uploading (Brain Uploading or Mind Transfer) and when it will be a Reality
How the Universe will End | Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Crunch & Big Bounce
Facts about Human Brain | Power of Human Brain and Brain Structure
Time is an illusion | Past Present and Future Exist at the Same Time | Block Universe
Life is Possible After Death According to Quantum Physics
Unsolved and Unanswered Questions and Mysteries in Science and Physics

26 Jan 2020

Why Doctors Wear White Coat and Lawyers Wear Black Coat

You might have noticed that Doctors wear White Coat while Lawyers wear Black coat. First of all we will know why do doctors wear white coat. Actually white color is the symbol of health and hygiene. As we know that whenever there is a stain on the white clothes, it is easily visible. So when the white coat is dirty, doctors can easily feel the need to change or wash it. This frequent changing of cloths by doctors ensures that a clean, healthy and sterile environment in maintained in the hospital all the time. This is the reason why doctors wear white coat instead of other colored coats.
Now we will know why do lawyers wear black coat ? Wearing of black coats by lawyers and judges is part of the British tradition of the 17th century. Black color is considered as the symbol of honor, wisdom, dignity and justice. So black colored coat is prescribed for judges and lawyers, as they need to maintain all these values required by their profession.

Why Doctors Wear White Coat and Lawyers Wear Black Coat Video


Friends now you know why people of different professions wear clothes of a particular color. A specific color is either required by a profession or tells something about that profession.
So friends, this is the reason why doctors wear white colored coat whereas lawyers wear black.

24 Jan 2020

XCTU Software - How to Configure XBee (ZigBee) using XCTU Software

X-CTU is a tool that configures ZigBee modules with whatever settings required. First step is to install X-CTU software. After this, ZigBee modules configuration begins. A point-to-point network is required to be constructed, which means that the two devices will communicate with each other. For this purpose, one ZigBee should be configured as a Coordinator (or Master), because it is mandatory to have one coordinator in each network and the other should be configured as a Router (or end device). So a Coordinator is created that will manage the network of ZigBee, here a network consists of one more ZigBee module. To begin, we need to take our ZigBee module (xbee radio) and insert it onto the XBee Explorer device and connect it to computer through RS232 serial port.

Further steps to Configure Zigbee module using XCTU are given below:

Steps to Configure ZigBee (XBee) Module using XCTU Software

After connecting the ZigBee with the computer, double click the X-CTU icon and a window will open. This window looks like as shown in the figure 1.

discovering radio module devices, XCTU, XBEE, Zigbee
Figure 1: Window for discovering radio module devices (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

Now click on the discover devices to discover the radio device. On clicking on this icon a window appears as depicted in the figure 2. On selecting the port to be scanned, click on next button. 

configure Xbee/Zigbee using  XCTU software
Figure 2: Window for selecting the ports to scan (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

XCTU software to configure Zigbee (Xbee)
Figure 3: Setting the port parameters (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

As we click on the next button a window appears allowing to set port parameters. These port parameters include baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits and flow control. These parameters have been shown in the figure 3. After setting all these parameters, click on the finish button. Now as shown in the figure 4, click on the ‘add selected device’ button.

discovered device in XCTU software to configure Xbee/zigbee
Figure 4: Window showing the discovered device (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

Now the radio module gets added. At this stage the radio module can be configured. To configure it, click on the icon of the radio module to show its properties and to configure it.

Now the properties will be visible as depicted in the figure 5. After this, click on the update firmware icon. On clicking on the icon a window appears as shown in the figure 6. In this window select Zigbee Coordinator AT from the function set and 20A7 (Newest) from the Firmware version. Now click on the update button. On updating, it is time to configure the radio module.

Radio device configuration window in XCTU software to configure Zigbee (Xbee)
Figure 5: Radio device configuration window (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

To make the radio modules (zigbee devices) to communicate with each other it is essential to edit the addressing settings appropriately. So as clear from the figure 7, in the destination address high (DH) and destination address low (DL) write the serial number high (SH) and serial number low (SL) of the radio module, to be configured as the router. Write ‘coordinator’ in the Node Identifier (NI) to identify the device as the coordinator. After finishing all this, click on the ‘write radio settings’ icon.

Updating the radio firmware for the COORDINATOR in XCTU to configure Zigbee (Xbee)
Figure 6: Updating the radio firmware for the COORDINATOR (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

Configuring the address of the COORDINATOR in XCTU to configure Zigbee (Xbee)
Figure 7: Configuring the address of the COORDINATOR (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

The radio module ( zigbee module) can now be removed from the XBee Explorer . Now insert  the other zigbee module into the XBee Explorer to configure it as the ROUTER. Discover device and add the device in the same way, as was done for the coordinator device and click on the update Firmware. The update Firmware window is shown in the figure 8. Now select the Zigbee Router AT from the function set and 22A7 (Newest) from the Firmware version and click on update button.
After successful firmware updation, edit the addressing settings as depicted in the figure 9. In the Destination address High (DH) and Destination address Low (DL) write the Serial number High (SH) and Serial number Low (SL) of the radio module, configured as the COORDINATOR. Write ‘ROUTER’ in the Node Identifier (NI) to identify the device as the router and click on the ‘write radio settings’ icon.

Updating the firmware of the ROUTER in XCTU to configure Zigbee (Xbee)
Figure 8: Updating the firmware of the ROUTER (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

Configuring the address of the ROUTER in XCTU to configure Zigbee (Xbee)
Figure 9: Configuring the address of the ROUTER (Configure ZigBee/XBee using XCTU)

Why the Color of School Bus is Yellow

Here you will know, Why the Color of School Bus is Yellow. Friends, you might have noticed that the color of school buses is always yellow. But why all school buses have yellow color? Actually there is a scientific reason behind it and from the safety point of view, school buses are painted in yellow color.
Friends, Do you know that our eyes are most sensitive to yellow color in comparison to other colors. That is the reason, why we observe yellow color more quickly. This has also been proved in a research done in United states in 1930.
Many of you may think that the color of school buses should be red instead of yellow. Their logic behind this would be that the color of sign of danger is red, which is visible from a large distance.

Why the Colour of School Bus is Yellow Video


But I would like to tell them that although it is true that the danger sign is red colored as the wavelength of red color is largest when compared to other colors. Because of it the red colored light does not scatter easily and is clearly visible from a large distance.
But you should know that yellow color has 1.24 times more attraction for us than any other color. Our eyes are most sensitive to yellow color. This is the reason that yellow color can be detected by our eyes more quickly than other colors.
So even if a person is not looking straight, while driving or walking on the road, he or she can easily notice the yellow colored school bus.
Our eyes have the highest sensitivity to yellow color, so not only can we easily see the yellow school bus coming from large distance but also, due to the yellow color, it is easily visible to us at night or during bad weather conditions such as rain or fog. Hence we are saved from an accident.
So friends, now you know why all school buses are painted in yellow color.

23 Jan 2020

Why all Planets and Stars are Round in Shape | Why all Planets are Sphere in Shape

Here we will know why all planets and stars are round in shape. Friends, as you know, large objects like planets and stars are round in shape, but small objects like mountains, asteroids, trees, rocks, houses etc. are of different shapes. Do you know what is the reason behind this?
What is the force that forces large objects to be spherical.
So friends Gravity is the force that compels huge objects like planets and stars to take spherical shape.
Now you may ask, if this force is so powerful, then why is it not effective on small objects and why does it bring large objects only in spherical form instead of other shapes. So let's understand this-
Here the fact is, more massive objects have stronger gravity.

Why all Planets and Stars are Round in Shape Video


Because of Huge mass planets and stars have very strong gravity. This strong Gravitational force pulls it towards its center equally from all sides. This forces it to take round shape.
But How it works, let's understand it with the help of a simple example.
Suppose there is a tall building on our planet Earth but its foundation is not strong enough to hold its weight. So the building will collapse. The gravity of planet earth will pull the building down towards its center. So in this way you can understand how gravity of massive objects like planets and stars pulls everything towards its center to transform itself into a round shape. If there is any irregularity in the shape, the strong gravitational force acting uniformly towards the center of the planet will try to squeeze it into a spherical shape.
But in case of objects like mountains, asteroids, humans, buildings etc. that are not very massive, the gravity is not strong enough to squeeze it into the spherical shape. So they retain their original shape.
So now you know why all massive objects are spherical in shape.

What is the Storage Capacity of Human Brain | How Much our Brain Can Store?

The Storage capacity of human brain in gigabytes. This video discusses, what is the storage capacity of human brain? Is there a physical limit to the amount of information it can Store?
Let me tell you, that the storage capacity of human brain is extremely large. So you don't have to worry about running out of space in your lifetime.
There are about 1 billion neurons in the human brain. Each neuron forms about 1000 connections to other neurons, that results in more than a trillion connections.
If there were no connections, we might have only a few gigabytes of storage space.
Running out of space would be a problem if each neuron could only help store a single memory.
But after combining, each neuron can help with many memories at a time. Because of this, the storage capacity of human brain increases exponentially.
This storage of brain would be enough to hold nearly 3 million hours of TV shows!!!. In other words, we can say, if our brain worked like a digital video recorder in a television, then to completely use that storage you need to leave the TV running continuously for more than 300 years. That's huge amount of storage space.

Storage Capacity of Human Brain Video


Now let's talk about this amount of storage space in terms of gigabytes. It is close to around a  million gigabytes which is equal to 2.5 petabytes.
it is interesting to note that, certain memories take up more space as they involve more details while some information is not even worth remembering in the first place. Some memories are forgotten and hence they free up space.
So you can put as much information as you want in your brain without worrying about its storage capacity, but remember to keep good memories not bad ones.

Read more:

Why do we Dream and what is the Purpose of Dreams (REM and Non REM Sleep | Sleep Paralysis | Sleep Walking & Lucid Dreaming)

Here we will know amazing Facts about dreams. Like, why do we dream? What is the purpose of dreams? What goes on inside our brain while dreaming. What is sleep paralysis, Lucid Dreams and why some people have habit of walking during sleep (Night Walking). We will also see here, What researches and Studies are being conducted on dreams. you will get answers to all of these highly interesting questions related to dreams on the basis of Science.
Friends, Our brain keeps collecting information related to everything we do throughout the day. Our mind keeps on doing this continuously, knowingly or unknowingly. And all this information is stored in our brain as memory.

Why Do We Dream Video


While sleeping, our unconscious mind keeps scanning all these stored memories so that we can use this information in a better way on the next day. During scanning, the information which the brain considers useful, is kept but it destroys the useless information or keeps it safe in any corner of the brain like a zipped folder in the computer.
But when these all processing are going on in our brain, we see different kinds of images, but our Conscious Mind cannot understand what is going on and keeps trying to make some sense of it according to itself. These random images that our conscious mind can not understand properly appear to us as dreams.
So dreams help us to store important memories and get rid of unimportant memories.
So Friends now you know why we see dreams and what is their purpose.
Do you know, At bedtime, our mind is either in the REM stage or NON REM Stage. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and NON REM means Non Rapid Eye Movement.
Many types of activities such as sleep walking, sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming etc. occur only in this REM stage.
Many people would think that our mind is at rest while sleeping, but it is not so.  Actually, when we sleep, our brain becomes even more active!!!
 When researchers studied the electrical activities of the brain of a sleeping person, they found that the electrical activities of the brain while sleeping were exactly the same as when awake.
As you know, the muscles of our body stop moving when we are asleep and our body becomes very calm and motionless. Do you know why this happens?  
Actually, chemicals like histamine and serotonin stop being formed in our brain during the sleep. That is the reason, why we see different types of experiences like running, flying in the air, jumping etc. in our dreams, but no Movement happens in our body.
So now you have understood how the chemicals coming out of the brain control the muscles of the body.
After knowing this information, you can now easily understand why sleep walking and sleep paralysis occurs.
Actually, when there is some imbalance in these brain chemicals while sleeping, a person may start moving his arms and legs and sometimes may fall down from the bed. But whenever the chemical imbalance  is too much, then the person starts walking in his sleep. This is what we call sleep walking.
Now we will understand what is sleep paralysis and why it happens?
Friends, has it ever happened to you that you have suddenly woken up from a deep sleep but are not able to move your body at all ?
But this happens only for a while and after sometime you have complete control over your body.  Friends, this is called sleep paralysis. Actually, this is because, when you wake up suddenly from sound sleep, then you know that you are awake but your mind thinks that you are still sleeping in the REM stage. That's why you are unable to move your body for some time. At this time you are in a condition known as Sleep Paralysis.
So friends now you know why we see dreams, and how they are useful for us.
Now whenever you see someone walking or shaking hands and feet in sleep, do not be afraid, as you now know that this all is just the imbalancing of brain chemicals. And don't be worried if you have sleep paralysis after waking up from deep sleep, as it's all due to short- term confusion of our brain.


What is the Storage Capacity of Human Brain
New Computer Chip Speed Up Scientific Discoveries by 1000 Times
What is Mind Uploading (Brain Uploading or Mind Transfer) and when it will be a Reality
How the Universe will End | Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Crunch & Big Bounce
Facts about Human Brain | Power of Human Brain and Brain Structure
Time is an illusion | Past Present and Future Exist at the Same Time | Block Universe
Life is Possible After Death According to Quantum Physics
Unsolved and Unanswered Questions and Mysteries in Science and Physics

What Will Happen on FOLDING a PAPER 103 Times | Folding a paper 42 Times

Here you will learn, how many times it is possible to fold a piece of paper and what will happen on folding a Paper 103 times. We will check the fact that says, It is not possible fold a piece of paper in half, more than eight Times.
After performing this experiment of folding a paper in half, I will show you with the help of mathematics, what will happen if we fold a piece of paper 103 Times!!!
Do you know that if we fold a piece of paper 103 Times then its thickness would be more than the size of the observable universe!!!
This is because of the exponential rise of the thickness of the paper, as after every fold thickness of the paper becomes double.
Here I have the compared the thickness of the paper with daily life objects and different astronomical bodies after certain folds. I hope you will enjoy the video.

What Will Happen on Folding a Paper 103 Times Video

Source and Credits:

21 Jan 2020

Water on Mars Found by Curiosity Rover of NASA in Gale Crater (Rock Strathdon) | Mars News | NASA News

Do you know that, rocks can tell a lot about the history of a planet? Rocks are like Windows into the past of a planet. The Curiosity Rover by NASA has found evidences of water on the red planet - the Mars. Currently the Curiosity Rover is exploring an area within the 'Gale Crater' on the planet Mars. This area of the crater is known as the 'clay bearing unit'.
In this crater area, the Curiosity Rover has found a rock that tells, Mars has not been dry as we see it now, it was a whole lot wetter in the past. This Rock has been nicknamed 'Strathdon'.
This newly found rock has a unique wavy structures. According to NASA, this wavy personality is believed to be the evidence of flowing water, blowing wind or perhaps a combination of the two.

Water on Mars Found by Curiosity Rover of NASA Video


It has been found that the rock has a thick collection of flaky fragments. These flaky fragments are believed to be formed over a long stretch where clay was deposited and hardened before each new layer accumulated.
Valerie Fox, a research scholar in Caltech said- "we are seeing an evolution in the ancient Lake environment, recorded in these rocks". "it wasn't just a static lake.  It's helping us move from a simplistic view of Mars going from wet to dry. Instead of a linear process, the history of water was more complicated,"
Let me tell you, that there are also reports about the existence of giant water reservoirs on the Mars. These reservoirs are found over a kilometer beneath the surface. But the water found is not in the liquid form. It is in the form of ice layers.
According to the scientists, the evidences found on the newly discovered rock indicate that the planet Mars had an ancient stream of water flowing over it in the past. Flowing water over a warmer Mars with a thicker atmosphere are sure signs of life on the planet. But according to the researchers, it would be too early to claim this. But there are good chances that the planet Mars would have been suitable for microbial life long ago.
So dear friends, I hope you found the discoveries by the NASA's curiosity Rover about the possibility of life on our neighboring planet, the Mars, interesting.

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Sources and Credits 2

Von Braun Space Station (Space Hotel) by Gateway Foundation | Hotel in Space | Von Braun Wheel

World's first Space Hotel with Artificial Gravity will be in orbit by 2025. The Gateway Foundation is building a space hotel named as Von Braun Space Station, which is based on the concepts of an American rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun. Robots and drones will be used to assemble the hotel in the orbit itself. It is expected that first ever space hotel will be operational by 2025.
The shape of the space hotel will be like an enormous wheel having a diameter of 623 feet. The wheel shaped giant space hotel will rotate slowly to generate a gravitational force. The Hotel will have 24 individual modules with sleeping and support facilities. These individual modules will be spread around the wheel on three decks. The space hotel would be able to accommodate about 400 people in total.

Von Braun Space Station Video


Actually the Von Braun Space Station would be made of two rotating concentric rings which would provide artificial Gravity one sixth as strong as Earth's. The Artificial gravity will provide the sense of direction and orientation and it would be easy to perform the basic tasks like walking, eating food, going to a toilet and showering, the way we are used to on Earth.
“Eventually Going to space will just be another option people will pick for their vacation, just like going on a cruise, or going to Disney World.” Tim Alatorre, senior design architect of Von Braun Space Station said in an interview with Dezeen.
Here it is interesting to note that Wernher Von Braun, the man behind the first space hotel, was a top Nazi rocket scientist who developed the infamous V2 rocket. He was taken in by NASA after the war. There he became a famous American scientist.
According to Tim Alatorre, the senior design architect of Von Braun Space Station, the space hotel will be something like a cruise ship. It will have many of the things you see on cruise ships: Restaurants, bars, musical concerts, movie screenings, and educational seminars." just in space.
As the demand for such vacations in space grows, the gateway Foundation intends to build bigger space stations. They call the next class of space station  "The gateway". It would have the capacity to accommodate more than 1400 people in total.

Image Credits: Gateway Foundation

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