Learn English

Hardest Words To Spell - Confusing Words - Homophone Words -Misspelling, (Commonly Misspelled Words)


These are the HARDEST WORDS TO SPELL in English !!! In this video you will find pair of words in English that are generally misspelled. Such confusing words are known as homophone words.
Although they are very common words used in English but these are the most difficult words to spell in English.
So you should learn all these words that would be very useful to you in your daily life and in various competitive exams like Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), American College Testing (ACT), Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), IELTS and TOEFL etc.

Word Roots English/Etymology of Words/Mnemonic Techniques/Improve English Vocabulary/GRE, UPSC, GMAT


After watching this video you will be able to learn new words in English language at very high speed. This video discusses highly useful and common 20 word roots of English vocabulary. This technique of learning new words with the help of word roots is called as mnemonic technique. This is the etymology approach of learning new words without any need to cram the words.
These highly useful 20 word roots will be of great help in improving your vocabulary for GRE preparation.

Root Words (Etymology)- Word Roots Prefixes and Suffixes (Word Roots)- Latin Words- (GRE Vocabulary)


In this video you will learn the root words (etymology) in English. These word roots including prefixes and suffixes in English will help you in learning new words easily. We should not crame the vocabulary to learn new words. The knowledge of etymology (word roots) will make learning new words fun.
This video contains a list of word roots used in English alphabetically and also most commonly used root words. You will find these root words very  helpful for building your vocabulary. 
This collection of English word roots will help you in improving your vocabulary for different National and international exams like GRE, TOEFL, IELTS and CAT etc.

Etymology/Mnemonic Techniques)/Word Roots Vocabulary for GRE, SAT, ACT


This video is a collection of very important word roots of English starting from letter 'A'. This video contains Top Word Roots (Etymology/Mnemonic) for Learning New Words of English very quickly and easily. 
Craming new words is not the right technique to learn new words. You should learn new words by breaking the word into word root, suffix or prefix. 
By using the mnemonic technique it is also possible to guess the meaning of new words.
In the next videos we will make you available more word roots from A to Z.

This word root list will be highly useful for improving the vocabulary for tests based on English vocabulary like ACT, SAT, GRE, IELTS, TOEFL, CAT etc.

Word Roots (Etymology/Mnemonic Techniques)/Vocabulary for SAT, ACT, GRE, IELTS and TOEFL and CAT


This video is a collection of very important word roots of English starting from letter 'B'. This video contains Top Word Roots (Etymology/Mnemonic) for Learning New Words of English very quickly and easily. 
cramming new words is not the right technique to learn new words. You should learn new words by breaking the word into word root, suffix or prefix. 
By using the mnemonic technique it is also possible to guess the meaning of new words.
In the next videos we will make you available more word roots from A to Z.
This word root list will be highly useful for improving the vocabulary for tests based on English vocabulary like ACT, SAT, GRE, IELTS, TOEFL, CAT etc.

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