16 Mar 2020

What is Time and How to Time Travel | 5 Ways to Time Travel | Is Time Travel Possible?

5 REAL Ways to Travel through Time

Here we will discuss, What actually the time is and is it really possible to travel through time?
I will discuss here 5 different ways of time travel. So Read this post till the end as you may not be aware of all the five ways to travel through time.
But first let's start with the scientific definition of time.

What is Time?

Definition of Time

According to physicists, time is the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. So we can say that a System is timeless if there is no change in it. Actually time is used to describe events in a three dimensional space. Time is the fourth dimension of reality.

5 Ways to Time Travel Video

Time the Fourth Dimension

So the four dimensions are length, width, height and time. Out of these four dimensions, the first three dimensions represent the space dimensions.
As you know that we have control over first three dimensions of space. We can move freely in space in 3 dimensions in any direction forward and reverse.
But what about the fourth dimension, the time?
Why we cannot move freely in the time dimension. Why we are not allowed to go forward or reverse in time as per our wish at different speeds. Is time travel really possible practically or is it just a theoretical concept.

Is Time Travel Possible?

Initially it was thought that time travel is not possible and time flows at the same rate everywhere and for everyone irrespective of the observers frame of reference.
But later it was found that this is not true. The rate of time flow is not same for everyone, it depends on several factors.
So this post is all about 5 different ways, that can be used to travel through time.

Following 5 Ways of Time Travel are discussed here-

1- Moving at very high speed
2- Moving around a very massive object
3- Entering into wormholes
4- Suspended animation
5- Using rotating cylinder of light

So let's start with the first and highly effective way of travelling through time, i.e. Travelling At very high speed.

1- Moving at very high speed

According to great physicist Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, if someone Travels at a speed comparable to the speed of light, time slows down for him relative to the world present outside.
Let me tell you that this is not just any theoretical concept. Scientists have measured it by using very accurate and sophisticated instruments.
To test Einstein, scientists used two extremely accurate atomic clocks. The first atomic clock was kept stationary on earth while the other flown in a jet aircraft. After the experiment it was found that Einstein was right. The clock that was moving at high speed in the jet aircraft was ticking at slow rate compared to the clock kept stationary on earth.
So it was proved that, if we move fast in space, we move slow in time.
To give you an idea, it has been found that travelling at a speed of 90% of the speed of light, time slows down 2.6 times.

2- Moving around a very massive object

Now let's come to the second method of time travel.
Moving around a very massive object. It was found by Einstein that gravity from a massive object can cause the time to slow down.
But the object need to have extremely large mass, for this effect to be noticeable for us. The most massive known objects in the universe are black holes. Some super-massive black holes are billions of times more massive than the mass of our sun. So the time will slow down for a person orbiting the black hole. In another Words he will go into the future as time will move faster at earth which has negligible mass in comparison to the mass of the black hole. So we can say that, time moves slow around massive objects.

3- Entering into Wormholes

Now we will discuss the third possibility of time travel using wormholes. But before discussing this technique of time travel, you need to know, what are wormholes ?
We can visualize a wormhole as a tunnel having its two ends at separate points in space-time. The other end of this tunnel may be at different locations in space or at different points in time or both.
So it means, wormholes can be used to connect extremely long distances even billions of light years away or other universes and also at different points in time.
These wormholes actually are solutions to the Einstein field equations for gravity. Wormholes are shortcuts through space-time.
Stephen Hawking and many other physicists believe that wormholes are constantly popping in and out of existence at the quantum level.  But to use them for time travel, it is required to inflate them to human scales as quantum levels are much smaller than atoms. But Because of incompatibility between general relativity and Quantum Mechanics, various efforts by scientists have failed to prove it practically. But we should never be hopeless as it is still a way to travel through time and space both at least theoretically for now.

4- Suspended Animation

Now we will discuss the fourth idea of time travel which is the Suspended animation.   
Before explaining this method of time travel, let me first revise the definition of time as it will be required here. Time has been defined as the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. So this definition means if we observe no progression of events, then we say time as stopped. If Nothing is changing, everything including electrons and other subatomic particles in the atoms, everything in the universe that includes every action in our body cells has stopped. So we will not grow older in that case. In other words its nothing but simply time has stopped.
So this method of suspended animation is another way to travel into the future. Using this technique we may be able to slow our perception of time by slowing down or stopping our body processes and then restarting them later.
As we know, it is possible for bacterial spores to live for millions of years in a state of suspended animation. But when the right conditions of temperature, food and moisture are available, it kick starts their metabolism again. This kind of hibernation is also found in some mammals like bears and squirrels. During hibernation process the cell's requirements for food and oxygen are dramatically reduced.
Such experiment has been successful on mice. As Mice do not hibernate naturally but in 2005 American scientists found a way to slow down their metabolism. This could be done by exposing them to minute doses of hydrogen peroxide. This resulted in reduction in metabolism by 10 folds and decreased body temperature to 13 degree centigrade. And surprisingly, scientists reanimated the mice without any ill effects after 6 hours. But unfortunately this method could not work for large animals like pigs and sheep.
But There is another method which induces a hypothermic hibernation. In this technique the blood of the animal is replaced by  cold saline solution. We were lucky that, this method of inducing hypothermic hibernation worked on pigs. Scientists In Pittsburgh are currently conducting human clinical trials based on this technique.

5- Using Rotating Cylinder of light

The last method i.e. the fifth method to travel in time is by Using rotating cylinder of light.
In this technique the spacetime is twisted by using a rotating cylinder of light. Credit of this idea goes to the American physicist Ron Mallet.
But how Does this work? This can be explained with the help of a simple example of our daily life.
When you swirl your coffee with the help of a spoon then you can see a bubble running around on top of it. In the same way a rotating cylinder of light is used to twist the spacetime. If we Drop anything inside this swirling cylinder, it could theoretically be dragged around in space and in time.
Ron Mallet says, it is possible to travel into the past or in the future, if right geometry is used.

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