This article explains, What is Electronics and What are different Branches of Electronics. It Provides the Basic Introduction to electronics along with the definition of electronics. Here you will be introduced to Branches of electronics like Analog electronics, Digital electronics, Power electronics, Microelectronics, Circuit design electronics, Integrated circuits electronics, Optoelectronics, Embedded systems electronics and semiconductor devices electronics.
7 Jul 2022
Planets and Stars Size Comparison - Planets Size Comparison- Stars Size Comparison- Size of Universe
In this video you will get the Planets and Stars Size Comparison in 3D. Planets size of our Solar System has been compared along with the star size comparison. Our universe contains planets and stars of different sizes. This video will help you to get an idea about how much different is there in the sizes of Planets and Stars in the universe. You can observe the comparison of sizes of our planet earth with other Planets and comparison of size of sun with other stars.
You will realize how small is our Planet earth and our star sun in comparison to other planets and stars.
You will realize how small is our Planet earth and our star sun in comparison to other planets and stars.
Planets and Stars Size Comparison
This video covers the size comparison of the following planets and stars along with their diameters in kilometers-Diameter of Moon 3500 km
Diameter of Mercury 4900 km
Diameter of Mars 6800 km
Diameter of Venus 12000 km
Diameter of Earth 13000 km
Diameter of Neptune 50000 km
Diameter of Uranus 51000 km
Diameter of Saturn 120000 km
Diameter of Jupiter 140000 km
Diameter of Proxima Centauri 200000 km
Diameter of the Sun 1400000 km
Diameter of Sirius A 2500000 km
Diameter of Vega 3800000 km
Diameter of Arcturus 36000000 km
Diameter of Rigel 97000000 km
Diameter of Betelgeuse 1300000000 km
Diameter of VY Canis Majoris 2000000000 km
Diameter of UY Scuti 2400000000 km
United States
6 Jul 2022
Best Physics Game Android - Brain It On Gameplay - Brain It On Walkthrough - Brain It On Solutions
This is the Best Physics Game for Android. Here you will get Brain it On Gameplay. Brain it On is an amazing game that will help to improve your logical thinking and analytical skills. Brain it On game is based on rules of Physics.
I have provided here Brain it On walkthrough and Brain it On solutions for level 1-10.
I hope you would love this game.
Enjoy the Gameplay of Brain it On !!!
I hope you would love this game.
Enjoy the Gameplay of Brain it On !!!
Brain it on Gameplay
4 Jul 2022
How to Visualize Higher Dimensions - Dimensions Explained - How to Draw Dimensions
Do you know that we can visualize higher dimensions by drawing them on a sheet of paper. Here I have explained higher dimensions starting from the Zero Dimension (0 dimension) to the Eighth Dimension (8th dimension) by Drawing the dimensions. You can use the same technique to draw further higher dimensions.
This video explains 0 dimension, 1st dimension, 2nd dimension, 3rd dimension, 4th dimension, 5th dimension, 6th dimension, 7th dimension and 8th dimensions.How to Visualize Higher Dimensions Video
Let's begin our journey of explaining and drawing from zero dimension to eighth dimension. We will start with the Zero (0) dimension. Here on the screen we have a single point having no length, no width and no height. As it has no dimension, it is called as the zero dimension. Now if we double the number of points then we enter into a one dimensional (1st dimension) world having only 1 dimension i.e. length. So in the first dimension we only get a straight line having no width or height. Now let's double the points again and this is, what we call as the second dimension (2nd Dimension). Observe here it has only two dimensions length and width. So it is a plane surface having no height or depth dimension. To enter into the third dimension (3rd dimension) let's again double the points and we get the third dimension. As you can see here, the third dimension contains 3 dimensions which are length, width and height. On adding third dimension I.e. height to the second dimensional plain object, they become the third dimensional solid objects. We all live in a three dimensional world. Now to draw and understand the fourth dimension (4th Dimension) we again need to double the points and here we are in the fourth dimension. Observe carefully that to draw fourth dimension we need to join respective points of both the cubes which are three dimensional objects. Now let's repeat the process of doubling the points to enter into the next higher dimension. So to draw the fifth dimension (5th Dimension) all you need to do is just double the number of points that we used to draw the fourth dimension and join the similar points respectively as shown in the video and you will know how would the fifth dimensional space look like. By continuing the same process of doubling the points of a dimension, we can draw the next higher dimensions. Although the concept of drawing the next higher dimension is easy but as you can see here, it becomes more and more complex as we continue. So here for drawing the Sixth dimension (6th dimension), Seventh dimension (7th dimension) and Eighth dimensions (8th Dimensions). I am just showing you the doubling of points only without joining the lines as it would be too complicated and messy for me to draw and also for you to understand. As you now know how to do it so You can do it by yourself for fun. So friends I hope you enjoyed learning how to draw any dimension just by following a simple rule of doubling the points. #Dimensions #VisualizeDimensions #DrawDimensions
United States