21 Jan 2020

Water on Mars Found by Curiosity Rover of NASA in Gale Crater (Rock Strathdon) | Mars News | NASA News

Do you know that, rocks can tell a lot about the history of a planet? Rocks are like Windows into the past of a planet. The Curiosity Rover by NASA has found evidences of water on the red planet - the Mars. Currently the Curiosity Rover is exploring an area within the 'Gale Crater' on the planet Mars. This area of the crater is known as the 'clay bearing unit'.
In this crater area, the Curiosity Rover has found a rock that tells, Mars has not been dry as we see it now, it was a whole lot wetter in the past. This Rock has been nicknamed 'Strathdon'.
This newly found rock has a unique wavy structures. According to NASA, this wavy personality is believed to be the evidence of flowing water, blowing wind or perhaps a combination of the two.

Water on Mars Found by Curiosity Rover of NASA Video


It has been found that the rock has a thick collection of flaky fragments. These flaky fragments are believed to be formed over a long stretch where clay was deposited and hardened before each new layer accumulated.
Valerie Fox, a research scholar in Caltech said- "we are seeing an evolution in the ancient Lake environment, recorded in these rocks". "it wasn't just a static lake.  It's helping us move from a simplistic view of Mars going from wet to dry. Instead of a linear process, the history of water was more complicated,"
Let me tell you, that there are also reports about the existence of giant water reservoirs on the Mars. These reservoirs are found over a kilometer beneath the surface. But the water found is not in the liquid form. It is in the form of ice layers.
According to the scientists, the evidences found on the newly discovered rock indicate that the planet Mars had an ancient stream of water flowing over it in the past. Flowing water over a warmer Mars with a thicker atmosphere are sure signs of life on the planet. But according to the researchers, it would be too early to claim this. But there are good chances that the planet Mars would have been suitable for microbial life long ago.
So dear friends, I hope you found the discoveries by the NASA's curiosity Rover about the possibility of life on our neighboring planet, the Mars, interesting.

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