A Tachyon is a hypothetical particle, that always travels faster than light. It is also known as Tachyonic Particle.
The possibility of particles moving faster than light was first proposed by Robert Ehrilch and Arnold Sommerfeld, independently of each other.
This term comes from greek word 'tachy', that means 'rapid'.
Two complementary particle types that are known to exist are called - Luxons and Bradyons.
Luxons are the particles that always move at the speed of light and Bradyons are the particles which always move slower than light.
Here we are talking about tachyons, also called as tachyonic particles, that always move faster than light.
Now let me tell you one very interesting thing about tachyons...
The mass of tachyons is imaginary!!!
If you didn't get it let me explain it to you.
The mass of any object at rest is different from its mass when it moves. But we do not observe this difference in mass at speeds much lesser than the speed of light.
But when the speed of the object is comparable to the speed of light then we cannot neglect this change in mass at this high speed.
As we are talking about tachyons, that always have speed higher than the speed of light, we have to consider this change, in mass.
So for such fast moving particles, the rest mass is different from the relativistic mass.
Here is the formula, that explains the relationship between the rest mass and the relativistic mass.
mr = m0/sqrt(1-v2/c2)
Here Mr is the relativistic mass
m0 is the rest mass which is invariant mass
v is velocity of the object and
c Is the speed of light.
Now let's Focus on the formula,
As we know that the speed of tachyonic particles is always greater than the speed of light.
i.e. here in this case
v greater than c, so v/c greater than 1
also then v2/c2 would be greater than 1
Now on subtracting a number, which is larger than 1, from 1, we will get a negative number.
And we know that the square root of a negative number is not real. it is an imaginary number.
From the formula, if we assume that the rest mass of tachyons is imaginary, then we will have imaginary numbers in the numerator and also in the denominator of this formula. so this imaginary part will cancel out and we will have a real relativistic mass.
So from this discussion, we can say, that the mass of tachyons will exist only when they will travel faster than light.
Unlike ordinary particles, the energy of a tachyon decreases as its speed increases.
Note that, this is just opposite to the ordinary particles where increase in speed results in increased energy.
As the ordinary particles, cannot travel faster than light, in the same way, tachyons are forbidden from slowing down to below the speed of light. Because infinite energy is required to reach the barrier from either above or below.
You will be surprised to know, that tachyons can be used to time travel!!! A tachyonic antitelephone is a hypothetical device in theoretical physics, that could be used to send signals into one's own past.
The possibility of particles moving faster than light was first proposed by Robert Ehrilch and Arnold Sommerfeld, independently of each other.
This term comes from greek word 'tachy', that means 'rapid'.
Two complementary particle types that are known to exist are called - Luxons and Bradyons.
Luxons are the particles that always move at the speed of light and Bradyons are the particles which always move slower than light.
Here we are talking about tachyons, also called as tachyonic particles, that always move faster than light.
What is Tachyon Video
Now let me tell you one very interesting thing about tachyons...
The mass of tachyons is imaginary!!!
If you didn't get it let me explain it to you.
The mass of any object at rest is different from its mass when it moves. But we do not observe this difference in mass at speeds much lesser than the speed of light.
But when the speed of the object is comparable to the speed of light then we cannot neglect this change in mass at this high speed.
As we are talking about tachyons, that always have speed higher than the speed of light, we have to consider this change, in mass.
So for such fast moving particles, the rest mass is different from the relativistic mass.
Here is the formula, that explains the relationship between the rest mass and the relativistic mass.
mr = m0/sqrt(1-v2/c2)
Here Mr is the relativistic mass
m0 is the rest mass which is invariant mass
v is velocity of the object and
c Is the speed of light.
Now let's Focus on the formula,
As we know that the speed of tachyonic particles is always greater than the speed of light.
i.e. here in this case
v greater than c, so v/c greater than 1
also then v2/c2 would be greater than 1
Now on subtracting a number, which is larger than 1, from 1, we will get a negative number.
And we know that the square root of a negative number is not real. it is an imaginary number.
From the formula, if we assume that the rest mass of tachyons is imaginary, then we will have imaginary numbers in the numerator and also in the denominator of this formula. so this imaginary part will cancel out and we will have a real relativistic mass.
So from this discussion, we can say, that the mass of tachyons will exist only when they will travel faster than light.
Unlike ordinary particles, the energy of a tachyon decreases as its speed increases.
Note that, this is just opposite to the ordinary particles where increase in speed results in increased energy.
As the ordinary particles, cannot travel faster than light, in the same way, tachyons are forbidden from slowing down to below the speed of light. Because infinite energy is required to reach the barrier from either above or below.
You will be surprised to know, that tachyons can be used to time travel!!! A tachyonic antitelephone is a hypothetical device in theoretical physics, that could be used to send signals into one's own past.
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