21 Oct 2019

EARTH Planet- Facts about Earth -Earth Atmosphere, Radius and Surface Area of Earth, Rotation and Revolution, Earth Age

We know about earth more than any other planet as we live on it. But here, I will tell you many interesting and surprising facts about earth that you might not be knowing.
Have you ever thought that the planet Earth is a natural spaceship for us. We are enjoying the ride in space at extremely high speed of 30 kilometres per second which is the average orbital speed of earth. You will find it interesting that We are not just revolving around the sun, our whole solar system that contains Sun, all the member planets including earth, orbits around the centre of Milky Way galaxy.
We are moving at an average velocity of 828,000 kilometres per hour. But this revolution path is so large, that even at this high velocity, it still takes us about 230 million years to make one complete revolution Around The Milky Way.

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The planet Earth was formed somewhere around 4.54 billion years ago. It is currently the only known planet to support life.
Earth is the most dense planet in the solar system. Actually the density of earth differs in each part of the planet. For example core is denser than the earth's crust.
The magnetic field of Earth is very powerful. The reason behind this is the Nickel-iron core of the planet combined with its Rapid rotation. This powerful magnetic field protects the planet from the effects of solar winds.
You will be surprised to know that the water present on earth's surface was initially trapped within the planet. Overtime this water was brought to the surface by the volcanic activities on the planet.
The first life on earth was developed in the oceans through a process called abiogenesis or biopoiesis. This is actually a natural process which is responsible for the evolution of life from non living matter like simple organic compounds.
Our Earth is tilted on its Axis by 23.4 degrees which is responsible for the seasonal changes on earth.
Do you know that Earth's rotation is gradually slowing down. But don't worry, this is happening, at very slow rate of approximately 17 millseconds per hundred years. Slowing down of Earth's rotation speed will be responsible for the lengthening of our days. But at this rate it would take nearly 140 million years before the length of a day will have increased from 24 hours to 25 hours.
The gravitational interaction between earth and the moon is responsible for Tides on the earth. It also stabilizes Earth's orientation on its axis and gradually slows down its rotation on its axis.
Nearly 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water, mostly by oceans while the remaining 29% is land.
It's surprising that over 99% of all species that ever lived on earth are extinct. Let me tell you that More than 7.6 billion humans live on Earth at present.
Due to rotation the earth is flattened at the poles and bulging around the equator. The diameter of the earth at the equator is 43 kilometres larger than the pole to pole diameter.
Now let's know some important statistical facts about earth
The mass of earth is 5.97×10(24) kgs. The total surface Area of earth is 510072000 square kilometres and the Volume is 1.083×10(12) cubic kilometers.
The earth is situated at a distance of 149.6 million kilometers from the Sun. If we talk about the size of Earth, its Diameter is 12742 kilometres. The orbital period of earth is 365. 256 days.

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