12 Feb 2024

Scientists Transmitted Wireless Solar Power from Space to Earth for the 1st Time - Space Solar Power

The European space agency has planned to beam electricity wirelessly from space to power millions of homes. The agency is considering to fund a 3 year study called Solaris. It would check the possibility and cost effectiveness of installing huge solar farms in space.
Engineers have planned to build vast solar arrays in space using robots. The solar arrays would capture the power of the Sun and convert it into microwaves. These microwaves would be beamed towards Earth, where it would be collected by antennas over a huge area and turned into electricity.
Although scientists at Munich have successfully performed this experiment on very small scale. But it is still a big challenge to execute it on much larger scale.
In an experiment conducted at the aerospace firm Airbus, two kilowatts of power was collected from solar panels. The collected power was transmitted from one end of the room to the other. This power was used to light up a model city.
But there is a long way to go to deploy it for practical purpose.
Both the transmission distance and power needs to be increased millions of times for this technology to work. But the engineers are hopeful and believe that it can be done.
One big advantage of installing solar panels in space is that it can get solar energy 24 hours a day. It is not possible on earth during night time and in the presence of clouds.
So lets hope for the success of this technology, which has the potential to solve our energy shortage issues.

Scientists transmitted wireless space solar power for the first time

8 Feb 2024

Why Insects Are Attracted To Light

Friends you have probably seen insects flying around street lights, porch lights or even a campfire flame. But why these bugs are attracted towards light? Actually different types of bugs exhibit different response to light.

1. Navigation by moonlight or sunlight

It is believed that many insects use natural light sources like the moon or the sun for navigation purpose. It is similar to, how sailors used to rely on stars to guide their ships. So when an insect sees artificial light; it gets confused. It flies towards the light source and starts to circle around it.

2. Bugs are in search of nectar

Some bugs feed on the nectar obtained from the flowers. Some of these flowers are known to reflect ultraviolet light. Some light bulbs also give off small amount of UV light, which makes hungry bugs to mistake a bulb for a flower.

3. Bugs are Trying to Escape from Predators

There is one more explanation for why insects are attracted towards light. Actually when an insect sees light, it thinks that the path is clear and is not blocked by any predator or the obstacle. In this way, light is an indication of escape from potential danger for insects. This might explain why some insects fly right into the light source and crash into it.

4. Predators searching for food

There are some predators that move around light sources in search of meal because they know they would get plenty of insects there. Some other insects hang around light also in search of a mate.

So friends, these were some possible explanations for why insects get attracted towards light.

Why are bugs attracted to light?

Elon Musk's Neuralink Successfully Implants First Brain Chip in a Human

Elon Musk, the founder of Neuralink, announced that the first human recipient of the brain chip implant is recovering well after receiving the procedure on 28th January 2024. 
Elon Musk added that the initial results of the trial show promising detection of neuron spikes. 
Neuron spikes are actually the activity by neurons that use electrical and chemical signals to send information around the brain and to the body. 
Last year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted clearance for Neuralink to start its first brain chip implant trial on humans. 
The Prime study, conducted by Neuralink, aims to assess the safety and functionality of its wireless brain-computer interface.   
Neuralink announced its implant trial in September, during which a specially developed robot will surgically implant the ultra-fine threads of the implant to facilitate signal transmission within participants' brains. 
This interface has the potential to enable individuals with quadriplegia or paralysis of all four limbs to control devices using their thoughts. 
So let’s hope for the success of this groundbreaking technology. 

Neuralink Successfully Implants First Brain Chip in Humans