30 Jul 2018

Breaking Barriers: A Comprehensive List of the First in the World—Inspiring Male and Female Achievers!

Here is the List of First in the World that includes, both First Male and First Female in the World-

First in the World (Male and Female)

First man to set foot on the moon - Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong- First Man to Step on the Moon, Neil Armstrong, First Man to Step on the Moon, Armstrong
Neil Armstrong- First Man
to Step on the Moon

First man to go into space - Yuri Gagarin (USSR)

First woman to go into space - Valentina Tereshkova (USSR)

First man to climb Mount Everest - Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and sir Edmund Hillary

First physically challenged person to climb Mount Everest - Tom Whitker

First woman to climb the Mount Everest -  Junko Tabei (Japan)

First man to climb Mount Everest twice - Nawang Gombu

First person to sail around the world - Ferdinand Magellan

First woman president of a country - Maria Estela Peron (Argentina)

First woman Prime Minister of a country - S Bhandarnayake (Sri Lanka)

First premiere of Chinese Republic - Mao Tse-Tung

First Person to tell about planetary motion and solar system - Nicolous Copernicus

First prime minister of Great Britain - Robert Walpole

First president of United States of America - George Washington

George Washington: First President of the USA, George Washington, First President of the USA
George Washington:
First President of the USA

First female Prime Minister of Britain - Margaret Thatcher

First president of the Republic of China - Dr Sun Yat-Sen

First country to produce silk - China

First Country to print books  - China

First country to make map - Sumaria

First woman who crossed the Seven Seas - Bula Chaudhary

First country to bar smoking - Bhutan

Youngest astronaut - Gherman Stepanovich Titov 

First cricket club - Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC), Australia

Eldest person who climbed on the Mount Everest - Richard Boss

First unmanned Mission on moon - Eagle

First space shuttle launched - Columbia

First spaceship to land on Mars - Viking-1

First country to start national song - Japan

First woman to reach Antarctica - Caroline Michaelson

First person to reach on the South Pole alone - Craig Arlig

First person to reach to North Pole and South pole of the earth - Roald Amundsen

First man who reached the North Pole - Robert Peary

First European to visit China - Marco Polo

First Indian to go to space - Rakesh Sharma

First man to build rocket - Robert Hutchinson Hoggard

First space tourist - Dennis Tito

First artificial satellite launched by US - Explorer

First space vehicle to land on any asteroid - EROS in 2001

First female chancellor of Germany - Angela Dorothea Merkel

First woman president of Australia - Julia Gillard

First country to make a constitution - America

World's first atomic energy plant -  EBR (USA)

First man to live in space for maximum time - Valeri Vladimirovich Polyakov

First unmanned mission on moon - LUNA-9

First spaceship to carry man on moon - Apollo-11

First American to go into space - Edward Height

First man to climb on Mount Everest without oxygen - Phu Dorji Sherpa

First country to organise modern olympic games - Greece

First country to win football world cup match - Uruguay

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