13 Oct 2018

Mysteries of Physics- Unsolved and Unanswered Questions and Mysteries in Science and Physics

In this video we will discuss Top Unsolved Mysteries in Physics. These unanswered questions have been bothering scientists in the past and are still a mystery. So let's discuss these unsolved mysteries of physics here-


Dark energy
Actually no one knows what it is. 
Dark energy can neither be seen nor can be felt. But it is possible to test it.
We can think of dark energy as a repulsive Gravity that pushes matter apart.
It is interesting to note that dark energy makes up around 70 percent of the universe.

Dark matter
Like dark energy, we cannot see or feel the dark matter but some experiments and observations prove its existence. No one knows about this mysterious matter. The fact that we can measure its gravitational effects makes scientists believe that there must be more matter in the universe that we actually see.

Why we can not reverse the time?
We all know that the time goes only in one direction that is forward. It is not possible to reverse the time. Everything and everyone older with time, not younger. Trees only grow taller. Everything in this universe goes in forward direction with the passage of time. But we don't know, why it is impossible for the time to move in backward direction.

We all are living in a hologram (a two dimensional universe)
We know that a Hologram has only two dimensions but has all the information of a 3D image, so it appears like a three-dimensional object.
Some scientists have postulated that we may be living in a universe that is having only two dimensions and all we are observing is simply a projection from a 2D universe outside of our perception. So our two dimensional universe appears to us as three-dimensional.

Light having universal speed limit?
We all know that velocity of the light (in vacuum) is C, that is equal to 3x10^8 m/s.
But why this is the universal constant. Why it cannot exceed this limit. At the present time, we find it impossible to understand why the speed of light is the universal speed limit!!! Why nothing can cross this speed limit.

The dual nature of light (wave or particle)
The light shows dual nature. Sometimes it acts as a wave and sometimes particle. 
Some phenomenons like interference patterns created by the light explains wave nature of light but there are other things that are possible if we think of light as a particle. The phenomena that exhibit the particle nature of the light are reflection of light from a surface 
and its ability to remove Electronics from their shells.
So the mystery is - how does the light decides how to act in different situations- as a wave or a particle!!!

Matter and antimatter
It was supposed that there is an equal amount of ordinary matter and antimatter in the universe. Antimatter are the particles having same mass but opposite charge. 
For example a positively charged positron is the antiparticle to the negatively charged electron. 
But now the universe is overwhelmed with a regular matter. It is still a mystery, how the matter won over the antimatter? Why the universe favored one way of creating matter? The answer to this mystery maybe given by the experiment taking place at CERN. " large Hadron Collider".

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