Showing posts with label human body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human body. Show all posts

26 Apr 2022

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Your Subconscious Mind Creates 95% of Your Life

According to the researchers, 95% of our brain activities are unconscious. It means we are consciously aware of only 5% of activities going in our mind.
All the automatic complex body functions like digestion, respiration, heart beating etc. are controlled by your subconscious mind.
Who is doing these tasks? It's actually you, who is doing this all, but you are not aware of it.
Not only this your whole belief system, likes and dislikes, fears and phobias, memories, skills, presumptions are all controlled by your subconscious mind. Even the decisions you think you make consciously are based on your past experiences and believes which comes from the subconscious mind.
You can think of the subconscious mind as a program  running in the background all the time and performing tasks automatically without your notice like your heart beat.
So it's your subconscious mind what makes you 'You".

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Video

30 Nov 2021

What is Law of Attraction and How it Works - How to Manifest Anything You Want

If you don't believe in the law of attraction, then I want to tell you that Law of attraction actually works. I am sure, after reading this this article you will start to believe in it.

Here I will explain the real Science behind the Law of attraction with some interesting examples. You will know, How does it actually work and how you can use it correctly to achieve anything you want in your life.

First of all you need to know, what is the law of attraction?

Law of Attraction Video


What is Law of Attraction

According to the law of attraction, our thoughts have the potential to manifest in our life. In other words we can say, we start to attract or achieve those things or people in our life that we focus on.

For some of my viewers it may sound weird or they may disagree with this idea. But believe me, the law of attraction really works.

So now let's understand the hidden science behind the Law of attraction.

How the Law of Attraction Works

Look around yourself and see all the artificial things created by humans or may be by some other living creatures.

All the artificial things that you are seeing in physical form now, were once first created in the mind, then it manifested in the physical form.

For example a chair, which is in physical form right now was first created in someone's mind, then action was taken to change it into real physical form. So thoughts have the power to manifest.

Actually there are infinite possible ways to get whatever you want in your life right here, right now. You are surrounded with infinite number of possibilities to achieve your goal.

But your mind is not programmed to see these possibilities and opportunities. So first You need to program your subconscious mind to notice different possible paths that lead to your goal.

Let me explain, how our brain functioning is responsible for the Law of Attraction.

Reticular Activating System (RAS) and the Law of Attraction

Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a bundle of nerves at our brainstem. It has the capability to filter out unnecessary information so that we can focus more on the important information and it all happens automatically without our notice.

It is the reason, when we learn a new word of our language, we start to see or hear it everywhere. Our mind starts to notice it wherever it is present.

Reticular Activating System creates a filter. This filter rejects the information that you consider as useless and accepts from the surroundings only the information that you focus on.

This filter is created on the basis of parameters given by you and these parameters are highly influenced by your belief system.

You see and analyze the world according to this filter created by you.

But how it helps in getting what you want and what is it's role in the law of attraction. Let me make it clear.

Here I have a simple and interesting example to help you in understanding it. 

Suppose you want to be a millionaire in next 5 years. This is your target and deadline to achieve it, is next 5 years and you are not able to achieve it by your job salary. As you know that you cannot achieve your goal while doing your current job.

But it's your deep desire to be a millionaire. Therefore, now your brain  starts to look for different ways to be a millionaire. It searches all the possible paths that would make you a millionaire.

Your Reticular Activation System creates a filter that constantly and automatically searches for all the information present around you, that may help you in reaching your goal.

How well this filter works, depends on how efficiently you have programmed your subconscious mind to achieve your goal. I will discuss it later in this article,  how to do it by creating a highly efficient filter.

Now suppose you change your target. You now decide to be a billionaire or you want to be a millionaire in just 1 year instead of next 5 years.

For this you need to create a different filter that would select or reject the information as per your need.

Now your goal is much bigger than the previous one. So the Reticular Activating System focuses only on the information that may help you in reaching your new goal.

Although possibilities to be a millionaire or a billionaire were already present around you. paths were also there to reach your goal but they were not visible to you until your RAS created a filter. Now a filter is present between you and the external world that only selects the desired information for your set goal. You will start to notice the required information in the world that you could not notice before.

Let's do a quick exercise to understand and realize how it actually works.

Look around you and notice all the things that are of red color. 

There is a large possibility that you noticed the color of many red objects that you never noticed before.

But now let me ask, how many objects with green color did you notice?

I know very few. But this time repeat the same experiment with green color instead of red. I am sure you would notice lot more green objects this time. But why this is happening?

Actually when you decide to focus on a particular color your Reticular Activating System created a filter to notice mainly that particular color while neglecting other colors. Therefore you noticed more red colored objects and very few green or other colored objects.

But on changing the filter by deciding to focus on green color you notice more green objects.

Although all the colors are present always around you, you notice only the colors that you focus on.

But how effectively this filter works depends on how clearly and deeply you want to notice the red color.

This is how the RAS system is responsible for the Law of attraction. You start to observe only the things and people that you want in your life or that may help you in reaching your goal. Your brain is concentrated on your goal and you start to see and create the situations that help you in reaching your goal fast. So it feels like you are attracting what you want.

Now I will explain you another science behind the law of attraction. Let's understand it with an example.

Body Frequency Tuning and the Law of Attraction

You know, how we tune the radio to a desired frequency. All that you want to listen on radio is already present around you but you can not listen it without tuning the radio to a particular frequency. The tuner selects desired frequencies while rejecting other frequencies.

In the same way our body works. Do you know that everything in this universe is in constant vibration state. Nothing is at rest. Similarly our body also vibrates at a particular frequency.

Not only this, there is a specific frequency associated with different emotions.

You can see it in this emotional frequency chart.

Frequency of Emotions Chart 

frequency of emotion chart, emotion, frequency, chart

For example when we are in love, then our body vibrates at the frequency of 500 Hz. When we are in this frequency state, we feel love around us in everyone and everything. We start to attract love from the universe.

But if the emotion changes from love to fear, our body starts to vibrate at a frequency of 100 Hz. In this state the person would start to feel fear, even when there is nothing to fear.

He will start to attract fear from the universe. It's quite similar to the tuner example. We perceive the external world according to our internal emotions. We receive from the universe according to our body frequency tuning. There is love, fear and every emotion around us but what we see or feel, all depends on, at what frequency we are vibrating in the present moment.

It's nothing but the law of attraction. You attract things as per your mindset. Your brain will neglect other things and will find the world similar to its present mental state.

A rainy and stormy weather condition may be the cause of fear for someone but others may find it beautiful and romantic. So it all depends on your perspective. There is nothing good or bad outside. It's our mindset, our perceptions, beliefs and past experiences that we see in the outside world. We actually see the image of our mind in the world.

If you read comments on any video posted on the social media, you can read the minds of people. You will see large variations in the comments on the same video.

Some would comment- it's the best video they have even seen but some would comment just opposite of it. So is the video good or bad. How will you decide? It all depends on your beliefs, culture, your intellectual level, your past experiences, your present moment situations and many other factors.

So what you say, is your opinion. It has nothing to do with the video.

We also know that some activities that are allowed in one country or culture may be illegal in other country. So nothing is absolute right or wrong, good or bad. It's all the game of mind.

This is what the law of attraction says, if you think positively, you notice and attract positive things in your life, which results in the positive situations. But when you start to think in a negative way, negative things are attracted towards you which lead to negative situations and negative outcomes.

So thoughts have the potential to manifest itself. What you think you are- you are. If you think you can or you can not, you are right in both ways.

Now we know that we see and attract things in our life according to what we think or believe. We see the world through the filter that is created by the Reticular Activating System (RAS). So it is very important to understand how to create an efficient filter as per our needs, that can help us in attracting what we want in life.

So now I will explain how to use the law of attraction correctly in our life, so that it can produce the desired effects.

How to use the Law of Attraction in your Life

Let's understand it with a simple example- how to apply it in our life.

Suppose you are watching a video. Now let me ask you, when you can understand it better and get more benefits from the video. When the video is of good quality or when it is of bad quality?

Obviously when the video is in ultra high definition or even of better quality with high quality of sound and rich text, then we can get more information and better results from the video.

In the same way, if we want to achieve anything in our life then first we need to make a clear and vivid picture of that goal. We need to see and feel that goal as if, we have already achieved it.

Suppose your dream is to get gold medal in Olympics. Then you need to visualize, how would you feel after getting the gold medal. In your visualization, see the people cheering for you, hear their shouts, see the happy faces of your loved ones and feel the proud moment for you, your family and the whole country.

When you visualize this type of clear image in your mind, then the Reticular Activating System (RAS) stores it as a very important file in your brain. And a very efficient filter is created. Now the RAS starts to search the outside world for all the possible ways and information to change this stored image into reality. Now you can clearly see different ways to reach your goal. So now the universe starts to answer, for what you asked. You get focused to your goals. You leave anything that stops you from achieving your goals and do anything that helps.

In this way our subconscious mind programming is responsible for the Law of attraction.

Now you understand the real science behind the law of attraction and also how to use it to receive what you want from the universe. With the help of Law of attraction, you can manifest your dreams into reality.

This is all what I wanted to tell you about the law of attraction. Please let me know in the comment section, what you think about the law of attraction.

19 Mar 2020

Scientists Found Proof of GOD in DNA Code | Human Genome Message Shows Evidence of Existence of God

Proof of GOD in DNA

Scientists have found proof of the God in the Code of DNA !!! But what did they found in the DNA code that made them believe in the existence of God.
As you know that a computer program is a series of binary numbers i.e. ones and zeros. This sequence of 1s and 0s instructs the computer what to do. In the same way all the functions that are taking place inside the cell of the body are controlled by an incredibly complex and extremely long code written in the DNA which is placed inside the nucleus of all the cells of our body.
But now the question arises, how this Complex code of DNA convinced scientists of the presence of God.
Let's try to understand it with the help of a simple example.

proof of god, Scientists Found Proof of GOD in DNA , God in DNA
Scientists Found Proof of GOD in DNA 

Information comes from Intelligence

Suppose you are walking on a beach and suddenly you see a message written on the beach sand. The message is "Michael is my best friend". Then what is the possibility that this message was just written by chance by the random waves. You will say, No, It's not possible, how these waves of the ocean can write this message. This message is an information that must have come from the intelligence.
So it's not possible for us to neglect an intelligent mind behind such a simple meaningful message carrying information. So the point is, information comes from intelligence.

What is DNA - Incredible Complexity of DNA

According to Dr. Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, one can "think of DNA as an instructional script, a software program, sitting in the nucleus of the cell."
Now if we see the complexity of the code written in the DNA, it will boggle your mind.
The letters of the programming language written in the DNA are A,T,G and C just like the letters of computer programming language one and zeros. As, what the computer will do is decided by the program placed inside its memory that may be hundreds to thousands of letters long. In the same way whole functions of the body are decided by the DNA code having its copy placed inside each cell of the body. This DNA code is nearly 3 billion letters long and its instructions are written by different sequences and arrangements of the four letters A,T,G and C. A unique combination of these letters instructs the cell how to carry our extremely complex body functions. These 4 letters of DNA code A, T, G, C are actually names of four chemicals.
These are Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine that respectively stand for A, T, G and C letters.
As 1100010101101 is an example of a computer program instruction in the binary language with letters 1s and 0s. Similarly AGAGTGGCTCACTCCTGAA is an example of an instruction in the DNA code written by using four letters A, T, G and C.
Now remember the example of message written on the beach again. If such a simple message written on the beach can not be written by chance or randomly by sea waves and needs an intelligent mind conveying a piece of information. How is it possible to neglect an infinitely intelligent super intelligence who has written that incredibly long, dense and complex code of 3 billion letters inside the nucleus of each cell.

How Scientists found Proof of GOD in DNA Code?

Who placed that code there? Is it just by chance? Do you know how much complex this DNA code is?
The DNA code contains all the information that makes up an organism. All the features that makes you, every quality and trait that you possess, every chemical reaction taking place inside your body and lot more. This code is transferred to the next generations. That is the reason why a child has many characteristics similar to his or her parents. Its interesting to note that A child shares 99.5% of the DNA with his parents.
Every thing that is happening inside the cell is instructed by the DNA code written in the language of 4 letters A,T, G and C. Not only this, this code has instructions also for auto repairing itself. This 3 billion lettered code is copied to new cells before a cell dies, So the information is not lost after the death of the cell. These all unbelievably complex functions are performed by the DNA code at extremely high speed without you even noticing. This 3 billion lettered code is so long that if a person types 1 word per second for 8 hours a day continuously, it would take him 50 years to type the human genome i.e. the DNA code. And this code is not just about its length, the code has to instruct the cell to complete highly complex tasks. So it's  obvious that job to write this program is beyond the limits of a human mind. No program has ever been written by chance. If you are a computer programmer than you can understand how much intelligence, concentration, creativity, pain and time it takes to write a simple code of just few hundred words if we want to get a task done by instructing a machine. Can that computer program be written without an intelligent programmer by itself by chance. No...
So how can we think that this incredibly long code of 3 billion letters that is unbelievably complex and the densest storage of information in the universe can be written without any super intelligence behind it. Who is that programmer? That must be no one other than the God itself.
Therefore according to many scientists, God has shown its presence in the DNA code by showing his infinite intelligence.
For many researchers this is the proof of God placed inside every cell of our body.

Scientists Found Proof of GOD in DNA Code Video


Universe Origin Theories, Beginning, Evolution and Future of the Universe (BIG BANG Theory, Steady State Theory and Pulsating Theory)

Scientists Found Proof of GOD in DNA Code | Human Genome Message Shows Evidence of Existence of God

11 Dimensions Explained (Eleven Dimensions) | What are Dimensions & How Many Dimensions are there

Antikythera Mechanism Explained | The Oldest Computer Ever Found

Strings in String Theory | The Smallest Thing in the Universe | String Theory

What is Dark Matter | Proof of Dark Matter in the Universe

What is QUASAR | Brightest Object in the Universe | Quasi Stellar Radio Source

What is an ATOM | Interesting Facts about Atoms | Facts about Atoms | Fun Facts about Atoms

20 Amazing Facts about the Milky Way Galaxy that Will blow Your Mind !

UY Scuti (BD 12 5055) | The Largest Star in the Universe | UY Scuti Vs Sun

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What is Time and How to Time Travel | 5 Ways to Time Travel | Is Time Travel Possible?

What are Wormholes | How Wormholes Work and How Wormholes are Created (Wormhole Einstein Rosen Bridge)

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What Happened to Chandrayaan 2 Mission by ISRO | Chandrayaan 2 Mission and Lander Vikram

Moons of Jupiter | Satellites of Jupiter | How Many Moons does Jupiter have | (io Moon, Europa Moon etc.)

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What Was Before the BIG BANG | The Big Bang Theory and Beginning of The Universe

Chandrayaan 2 Launched by ISRO | Moon Mission of India

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Water and Fire Experiment | Science Experiments with Explanations

First Image of Black Hole Captured by Scientists with the Help of Event Horizon Telescope (EHT Telescope)

The Largest Black Hole Discovered has Mass equal to 17 Billion Suns and is Located inside
the Galaxy NGC 1277 in the Constellation Perseus

Pluto Planet and its Moons (Satellites) | Moons of Pluto (Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra) | Facts about Pluto & Kuiper Belt

PLUTO is a PLANET AGAIN - Says NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine | Pluto Not a Planet

What is Tachyon (Tachyon Particle) | Tachyon Particles that Travel Faster than the Speed of Light !!!

Alcubierre Warp Drive | Alcubierre Drive | Warp Drive | Travel Faster than Light

Conservation of Angular Momentum | Conservation of Angular Momentum Experiment | Angular Momentum

Why all Planets and Stars are Round in Shape | Why all Planets are Sphere in Shape

What is the Storage Capacity of Human Brain | How Much our Brain Can Store?

Why do we Dream and what is the Purpose of Dreams (REM and Non REM Sleep | Sleep Paralysis | Sleep Walking & Lucid Dreaming)

What Will Happen on FOLDING a PAPER 103 Times | Folding a paper 42 Times

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Von Braun Space Station (Space Hotel) by Gateway Foundation | Hotel in Space | Von Braun Wheel

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What is Mind Uploading (Brain Uploading or Mind Transfer) and when it will be a Reality | Whole Brain Emulation (WBE)

End of the Universe | How the Universe will End | Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Crunch & Big Bounce

Facts about Human Brain | Power of Human Brain and Brain Structure (Neurons and Memory)

Time is an illusion | Past Present and Future Exist at the Same Time | Max Tegmark | Block Universe

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Why Apollo 11 by NASA Took Only 4 Days to Reach Moon but ISRO's Chandrayaan 2 is Taking 48 Days !!!

Newton Was Wrong: Scientists Dismiss Newton's Theory of Universal Gravity and Warn Einstein is Next

NASA's TESS Discovered New SUPER EARTH (Planet GJ357d of Star GJ357)

STAR older than the Universe | METHUSELAH Star (HD 140283) | Oldest Star in The Universe

International Space Station (ISS) | Life in ISS | ISS Facts | International Space Station from Earth

Hubble Space Telescope (HST) | Hubble Telescope | Hubble Telescope Facts | Hubble Telescope Images Live

Life is Possible After Death According to Quantum Physics | Roger Penrose Consciousness and What Happens after Death

EARTH Planet- Facts about Earth -Earth Atmosphere, Radius and Surface Area of Earth, Rotation and Revolution, Earth Age

Venus Planet- (Venus Facts, Venus Atmosphere, Venus Temperature, Size, Mass, Rotation, Life on Venus)

Mercury Planet - Mercury Planet Facts - Size, Temperature, Distance, Diameter, Days of Mercury

The Universe is Expanding Faster than We Thought- Expansion of the Universe- Cepheid Variables

BREAKTHROUGH Experiment on Parallel Universe- Portal to Parallel Universe- Leah Broussard Parallel Universe- Mirrorverse (Multiverse)

Mysteries of Physics- Unsolved and Unanswered Questions and Mysteries in Science and Physics

Rocket Launch and Landing Video by NASA (How Rocket Goes Into Space and Lands on Earth) ALL STAGES

Apollo 11 Moon Landing/First Man on the Moon/Neil Armstrong/Neil Armstrong Moon Landing/NASA Mission

Satellite Launching/Launching Space Shuttle/Rocket Launch/NASA Rocket Launch

7 Unsolved Math Problems of the Millennium (Unsolved Problems in Mathematics)

Stomach Surgery Animations/Best Surgery Animation Videos/Cool Medical Animations/Science Animations

Curta Calculator/Curta Calculator Design, How To Use and How It Works (Curta Calculator Animation)

What Happens If You DIG A HOLE Through The EARTH and JUMP IN !!! (Fun Physics and Maths Analysis)

Experiments at Home and Magic Tricks (Magic Tricks Revealed) - Experiments For Kids (COMPILATION)

11 Types of Orbit Simulation | Simulation of Orbit by PhET Simulator | Orbit Simulator

Gravity and Orbits PhET Simulation | Sun Moon and Earth Orbits | PhET Simulations Physics

Analysis of Orbits | Orbit Simulator | Gravity and Orbits PhET | PhET Simulations Physics

What Will Happen if Gravity Disappeared | Gravity and Orbits PhET Simulation | What if Gravity Stopped

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11 Best Space and Astronomy Websites and Blogs | Amazing Websites

Bionic Lenses (Bionic Lens) | Bionic Lens Implant & Surgery, Bionic Lens Update, Research and Trials

23 Jan 2020

What is the Storage Capacity of Human Brain | How Much our Brain Can Store?

The Storage capacity of human brain in gigabytes. This video discusses, what is the storage capacity of human brain? Is there a physical limit to the amount of information it can Store?
Let me tell you, that the storage capacity of human brain is extremely large. So you don't have to worry about running out of space in your lifetime.
There are about 1 billion neurons in the human brain. Each neuron forms about 1000 connections to other neurons, that results in more than a trillion connections.
If there were no connections, we might have only a few gigabytes of storage space.
Running out of space would be a problem if each neuron could only help store a single memory.
But after combining, each neuron can help with many memories at a time. Because of this, the storage capacity of human brain increases exponentially.
This storage of brain would be enough to hold nearly 3 million hours of TV shows!!!. In other words, we can say, if our brain worked like a digital video recorder in a television, then to completely use that storage you need to leave the TV running continuously for more than 300 years. That's huge amount of storage space.

Storage Capacity of Human Brain Video


Now let's talk about this amount of storage space in terms of gigabytes. It is close to around a  million gigabytes which is equal to 2.5 petabytes.
it is interesting to note that, certain memories take up more space as they involve more details while some information is not even worth remembering in the first place. Some memories are forgotten and hence they free up space.
So you can put as much information as you want in your brain without worrying about its storage capacity, but remember to keep good memories not bad ones.


Universe Origin Theories, Beginning, Evolution and Future of the Universe (BIG BANG Theory, Steady State Theory and Pulsating Theory)

Scientists Found Proof of GOD in DNA Code | Human Genome Message Shows Evidence of Existence of God

11 Dimensions Explained (Eleven Dimensions) | What are Dimensions & How Many Dimensions are there

Antikythera Mechanism Explained | The Oldest Computer Ever Found

Strings in String Theory | The Smallest Thing in the Universe | String Theory

What is Dark Matter | Proof of Dark Matter in the Universe

What is QUASAR | Brightest Object in the Universe | Quasi Stellar Radio Source

What is an ATOM | Interesting Facts about Atoms | Facts about Atoms | Fun Facts about Atoms

20 Amazing Facts about the Milky Way Galaxy that Will blow Your Mind !

UY Scuti (BD 12 5055) | The Largest Star in the Universe | UY Scuti Vs Sun

What Happens When Two Black Holes Collide | Black Hole Collision Calculator by Omni Calculator

What is Time and How to Time Travel | 5 Ways to Time Travel | Is Time Travel Possible?

What are Wormholes | How Wormholes Work and How Wormholes are Created (Wormhole Einstein Rosen Bridge)

Dark Energy is not the Fifth Force, Proved by an Experiment at Imperial College London - Science News

What Happened to Chandrayaan 2 Mission by ISRO | Chandrayaan 2 Mission and Lander Vikram

Moons of Jupiter | Satellites of Jupiter | How Many Moons does Jupiter have | (io Moon, Europa Moon etc.)

Solar System Planets Through Telescope | Planets of the Solar System | Solar System | Celestia Space Simulator

What Was Before the BIG BANG | The Big Bang Theory and Beginning of The Universe

Chandrayaan 2 Launched by ISRO | Moon Mission of India

NUKE MARS Vs SOLAR REFLECTORS on MARS by Elon Musk | Nuke Mars Elon Musk | Elon Musk Mars | Mars New

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Water and Fire Experiment | Science Experiments with Explanations

First Image of Black Hole Captured by Scientists with the Help of Event Horizon Telescope (EHT Telescope)

The Largest Black Hole Discovered has Mass equal to 17 Billion Suns and is Located inside
the Galaxy NGC 1277 in the Constellation Perseus

Pluto Planet and its Moons (Satellites) | Moons of Pluto (Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra) | Facts about Pluto & Kuiper Belt

PLUTO is a PLANET AGAIN - Says NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine | Pluto Not a Planet

What is Tachyon (Tachyon Particle) | Tachyon Particles that Travel Faster than the Speed of Light !!!

Alcubierre Warp Drive | Alcubierre Drive | Warp Drive | Travel Faster than Light

Conservation of Angular Momentum | Conservation of Angular Momentum Experiment | Angular Momentum

Why all Planets and Stars are Round in Shape | Why all Planets are Sphere in Shape

What is the Storage Capacity of Human Brain | How Much our Brain Can Store?

Why do we Dream and what is the Purpose of Dreams (REM and Non REM Sleep | Sleep Paralysis | Sleep Walking & Lucid Dreaming)

What Will Happen on FOLDING a PAPER 103 Times | Folding a paper 42 Times

Water on Mars Found by Curiosity Rover of NASA in Gale Crater (Rock Strathdon) | Mars News | NASA News

Von Braun Space Station (Space Hotel) by Gateway Foundation | Hotel in Space | Von Braun Wheel

New Computer Chip Speed Up Scientific Discoveries by 1000 Times

What is Mind Uploading (Brain Uploading or Mind Transfer) and when it will be a Reality | Whole Brain Emulation (WBE)

End of the Universe | How the Universe will End | Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Crunch & Big Bounce

Facts about Human Brain | Power of Human Brain and Brain Structure (Neurons and Memory)

Time is an illusion | Past Present and Future Exist at the Same Time | Max Tegmark | Block Universe

16 Psyche Asteroid | Golden Asteroid | Space Mining |16 Psyche (Psyche 16) | Asteroid News

Why Apollo 11 by NASA Took Only 4 Days to Reach Moon but ISRO's Chandrayaan 2 is Taking 48 Days !!!

Newton Was Wrong: Scientists Dismiss Newton's Theory of Universal Gravity and Warn Einstein is Next

NASA's TESS Discovered New SUPER EARTH (Planet GJ357d of Star GJ357)

STAR older than the Universe | METHUSELAH Star (HD 140283) | Oldest Star in The Universe

International Space Station (ISS) | Life in ISS | ISS Facts | International Space Station from Earth

Hubble Space Telescope (HST) | Hubble Telescope | Hubble Telescope Facts | Hubble Telescope Images Live

Life is Possible After Death According to Quantum Physics | Roger Penrose Consciousness and What Happens after Death

EARTH Planet- Facts about Earth -Earth Atmosphere, Radius and Surface Area of Earth, Rotation and Revolution, Earth Age

Venus Planet- (Venus Facts, Venus Atmosphere, Venus Temperature, Size, Mass, Rotation, Life on Venus)

Mercury Planet - Mercury Planet Facts - Size, Temperature, Distance, Diameter, Days of Mercury

The Universe is Expanding Faster than We Thought- Expansion of the Universe- Cepheid Variables

BREAKTHROUGH Experiment on Parallel Universe- Portal to Parallel Universe- Leah Broussard Parallel Universe- Mirrorverse (Multiverse)

Mysteries of Physics- Unsolved and Unanswered Questions and Mysteries in Science and Physics

Rocket Launch and Landing Video by NASA (How Rocket Goes Into Space and Lands on Earth) ALL STAGES

Apollo 11 Moon Landing/First Man on the Moon/Neil Armstrong/Neil Armstrong Moon Landing/NASA Mission

Satellite Launching/Launching Space Shuttle/Rocket Launch/NASA Rocket Launch

7 Unsolved Math Problems of the Millennium (Unsolved Problems in Mathematics)

Stomach Surgery Animations/Best Surgery Animation Videos/Cool Medical Animations/Science Animations

Curta Calculator/Curta Calculator Design, How To Use and How It Works (Curta Calculator Animation)

What Happens If You DIG A HOLE Through The EARTH and JUMP IN !!! (Fun Physics and Maths Analysis)

Experiments at Home and Magic Tricks (Magic Tricks Revealed) - Experiments For Kids (COMPILATION)

11 Types of Orbit Simulation | Simulation of Orbit by PhET Simulator | Orbit Simulator

Gravity and Orbits PhET Simulation | Sun Moon and Earth Orbits | PhET Simulations Physics

Analysis of Orbits | Orbit Simulator | Gravity and Orbits PhET | PhET Simulations Physics

What Will Happen if Gravity Disappeared | Gravity and Orbits PhET Simulation | What if Gravity Stopped

Saturn Planet Through Telescope | Saturn Through Telescope | Telescopic View of Saturn | Saturn Planet

11 Best Space and Astronomy Websites and Blogs | Amazing Websites

Bionic Lenses (Bionic Lens) | Bionic Lens Implant & Surgery, Bionic Lens Update, Research and Trials

Why do we Dream and what is the Purpose of Dreams (REM and Non REM Sleep | Sleep Paralysis | Sleep Walking & Lucid Dreaming)

Here we will know amazing Facts about dreams. Like, why do we dream? What is the purpose of dreams? What goes on inside our brain while dreaming. What is sleep paralysis, Lucid Dreams and why some people have habit of walking during sleep (Night Walking). We will also see here, What researches and Studies are being conducted on dreams. you will get answers to all of these highly interesting questions related to dreams on the basis of Science.
Friends, Our brain keeps collecting information related to everything we do throughout the day. Our mind keeps on doing this continuously, knowingly or unknowingly. And all this information is stored in our brain as memory.

Why Do We Dream Video


While sleeping, our unconscious mind keeps scanning all these stored memories so that we can use this information in a better way on the next day. During scanning, the information which the brain considers useful, is kept but it destroys the useless information or keeps it safe in any corner of the brain like a zipped folder in the computer.
But when these all processing are going on in our brain, we see different kinds of images, but our Conscious Mind cannot understand what is going on and keeps trying to make some sense of it according to itself. These random images that our conscious mind can not understand properly appear to us as dreams.
So dreams help us to store important memories and get rid of unimportant memories.
So Friends now you know why we see dreams and what is their purpose.
Do you know, At bedtime, our mind is either in the REM stage or NON REM Stage. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and NON REM means Non Rapid Eye Movement.
Many types of activities such as sleep walking, sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming etc. occur only in this REM stage.
Many people would think that our mind is at rest while sleeping, but it is not so.  Actually, when we sleep, our brain becomes even more active!!!
 When researchers studied the electrical activities of the brain of a sleeping person, they found that the electrical activities of the brain while sleeping were exactly the same as when awake.
As you know, the muscles of our body stop moving when we are asleep and our body becomes very calm and motionless. Do you know why this happens?  
Actually, chemicals like histamine and serotonin stop being formed in our brain during the sleep. That is the reason, why we see different types of experiences like running, flying in the air, jumping etc. in our dreams, but no Movement happens in our body.
So now you have understood how the chemicals coming out of the brain control the muscles of the body.
After knowing this information, you can now easily understand why sleep walking and sleep paralysis occurs.
Actually, when there is some imbalance in these brain chemicals while sleeping, a person may start moving his arms and legs and sometimes may fall down from the bed. But whenever the chemical imbalance  is too much, then the person starts walking in his sleep. This is what we call sleep walking.
Now we will understand what is sleep paralysis and why it happens?
Friends, has it ever happened to you that you have suddenly woken up from a deep sleep but are not able to move your body at all ?
But this happens only for a while and after sometime you have complete control over your body.  Friends, this is called sleep paralysis. Actually, this is because, when you wake up suddenly from sound sleep, then you know that you are awake but your mind thinks that you are still sleeping in the REM stage. That's why you are unable to move your body for some time. At this time you are in a condition known as Sleep Paralysis.
So friends now you know why we see dreams, and how they are useful for us.
Now whenever you see someone walking or shaking hands and feet in sleep, do not be afraid, as you now know that this all is just the imbalancing of brain chemicals. And don't be worried if you have sleep paralysis after waking up from deep sleep, as it's all due to short- term confusion of our brain.


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