Showing posts with label everyday science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label everyday science. Show all posts

25 Mar 2021

Why Ocean Water is Blue - Why Sea Water is Blue - Why Ocean Water is Blue in Colour

Do you know, Why ocean water is blue? Many of you may think that the answer is very simple. you may say that the blue color of sea water is due to the reflection of the sky, which is of blue color but it's not like that. So let's try to find out the real reason behind it. As we all know that water has no color. The water takes the color of what is mixed into it. So has anyone mixed the blue color into our oceans? Not actually. Then why the sea water looks blue? Actually, the blue color of sea water is due to the rays coming from the sun.

Why Ocean Water is Blue Video

Perhaps you would know that the rays of the sun are white and are made up of 7 different colors. These are the seven colors that you see in the rainbow. It is also possible to separate the white light of the sun into these seven colors through a prism. The seven colors that are present in the white light are - Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. Here you also need to know that in these 7 colors, the wavelength of purple color is the smallest and the wavelength of red color is the Largest. Pure water has the characteristic that it absorbs long wavelengths of light more in comparison to short wavelengths. This is the reason why long wavelength colors such as red, orange, yellow and green are absorbed by sea water while blue color which has smaller wavelength is not absorbed by water. This is why, the ocean water appears blue. Now you may think here that the wavelength of purple color is even smaller than the blue color, then why the color of the sea is not purple. So the reason for this is, the amount of purple color in the white light of the sun is comparatively less. Therefore, despite reflecting purple color, the sea water appears blue. You may have one more question here. You may ask, if this is the case, then pure water kept in the glass should also appear blue. Actually Pure water placed in glass is colorless. Then why does this happen. Actually the concept of wavelength that we have just seen requires excessive amount of water, as in the case of the seas. Many times you must have seen that apart from blue, sea water also shows different colors. Actually this exception is due to the excess of certain types of impurities dissolved in the water of that sea. Otherwise, sea water appears blue everywhere. So my dear friends, now you know, why the sea water looks blue.

24 Mar 2021

Why Trees are Painted White and Red

Do you know, why trees are painted white and red. Why white and red stripes on trees trunks. During the journey you must have noticed that the trees along the highway are painted in white or red stripes.
Do you know that there are many scientific reasons behind this?
Here I'll tell you 3 scientific reasons for doing this.
So let's start.

Why trees are painted white and red Video

First Reason of why trees are painted white and red

The first reason for coloring trees in white or red stripes is to make them stronger. You must have noticed cracks on the trees and many times they get infected by insects.

Second reason of why trees are painted white and red

Another important reason behind coloring trees with white or red color is their safety. Coloring the trees ensures that these trees are under the protection and supervision of the forest department. For this reason they cannot be cut. In this way, security of the trees along the highway is ensured.

Third reason of why trees are painted white and red

Now we will discuss third and the last important scientific reason behind coloring trees. Actually, when the trees along the highway are painted white or red, they can be seen from a distance. It reduces the possibility of accidents caused by hitting trees. The white color in particular provides protection from accidents at night. So, there are many scientific reasons behind coloring trees in white or red.

14 Jul 2020

Everyday Science Explained (With Interesting Videos)

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